Advantages of the On Screen Evaluation System

The On screen Evaluation System (OES) is an online examination processing system which enables examiners to quickly evaluate scanned answers from any location, streamlining the evaluation process for all stakeholders involved.

By automating logistics like allocating answer books to evaluators, marking and rechecking work, result compilation etc, logistical activities can be reduced significantly as well as risk incurred from manual handling of answer scripts by eliminating manual handling risks while maintaining quality standards.


Traditional methods require examiners to handle physical answer sheets, which is time consuming and costly. With onscreen marking, however, all data is digitalized and saved on servers for evaluation by evaluators from any location – which reduces costs while speeding up results processing time and is highly secure as only authorized examiners have access. It even utilizes patented security processes which only permit authorized users to evaluate answer sheets; an advantage for exam administrators since this can help eliminate malpractices during exams.

Onscreen evaluation saves time. On average, it typically takes 15 minutes per question for paper evaluation. With the onscreen evaluation process, this time can be reduced significantly – significantly speeding up result declaration timelines as all aspects of evaluation can be automated.

One benefit of onscreen evaluation is allowing students to view their evaluated answer sheets. This can help them to gain an understanding of why their answers were incorrect and how to improve them for future exams and jobs applications. Onscreen evaluation can also serve as an aid when applying for jobs later on.

Additionally, onscreen evaluation systems can assist students in understanding and learning from their mistakes. Examiners can explain incorrect answers as well as provide clear explanations of why it was incorrect – helping the student better comprehend the subject at hand while increasing performance over time.

Educational institutes can leverage an onscreen evaluation system to make exam processes more efficient and reduce result declaration time, cutting costs while increasing credibility within their industry. Furthermore, it allows educational institutes to create tailored assessments and exams tailored specifically for student needs – helping improve learning outcomes while broadening customer base growth. Plus it integrates seamlessly with other technologies for an enhanced student experience!


On-screen evaluation systems offer several key benefits for examiners. Examiners can quickly evaluate and mark answer scripts directly on their computer screens without the need for manual transfer of scripts; additionally they help reduce printing and mailing costs as well as storage space requirements; furthermore they make managing rechecking and moderation processes much simpler.

The on-screen evaluation system also saves both time and money by helping higher education institutes publish results more quickly. Integrating it with other educational systems makes tracking student performance and outcomes simpler, and ensures more consistent, accurate assessments of learning skills for all.

On-screen evaluation systems can increase exam reliability by offering greater transparency and accuracy than traditional methods. To make sure that this evaluation system works effectively, all stakeholders involved must receive adequate training on its proper implementation; furthermore, by setting specific objectives of this evaluation system more effectively will make its use even more successful.

An effective evaluation system identifies and corrects errors during grading processes, providing students with feedback to enhance their work. Furthermore, data-driven systems use technology to streamline processes and decrease manual errors. On-screen evaluation systems also make evaluation easier by eliminating manual rechecking requirements, thus simplifying answer sheet evaluation processes.

IntelliEXAMS is an online evaluation system designed to revolutionize the examination process. From Question Paper Generation and Delivery through On Screen Evaluation of Answer Scripts, Mark-Sheet/Certificate Generation; IntelliEXAMS can automate every aspect of evaluation – eliminating physical documents as a time-consuming and costly step in its path to excellence.

Digital evaluation systems also bring many other advantages, including increased accuracy, security and transparency. For example, it can provide a secure encrypted network for storing answer scripts, making them inaccessible to unauthorised users and offering internal messaging systems for better collaboration and communication – ultimately increasing efficiency and productivity.


When you log into the Course Evaluation System, your web browser forms and maintains a secure connection. This connection is indicated by a yellow lock icon at the bottom of your web browser window; it ensures the privacy of both student records and personal information. When using Internet Explorer to logout of this evaluation system when finished using it, its warning system will alert you that an insecure page was requested which could lead to attacks against yourself and/or others.

Digital evaluation (also referred to as onscreen marking solution) is a process in which examiners use access scanned copies of manual answer scripts or online responses from manual exams in order to mark them digitally on their computers, thus eliminating the need for manual assessment of paper-based exam answers and helping institutes improve their examination management practices.

Technology allows education institutes and universities to cut the time taken in post-exam activities for publishing results, which is crucial. Furthermore, it increases accuracy by eliminating human errors and biases, making corrections earlier and identifying discrepancies earlier.

MeritTrac’s TracMarks digital evaluation solution allows organizations to digitize paper answer scripts and mark them online for improved speed and quality evaluations. This solution offers organizations the flexibility of having multiple evaluators simultaneously work on the same answer script to prevent tampering with its integrity, as well as being more cost-effective than traditional methods since institutions can tap into geographically distributed pools of evaluators without needing additional manpower to scale up operations without adding costs or manpower costs.


Accuracy is at the center of any successful evaluation system, so using appropriate software tools to collect data is paramount in guaranteeing accurate results from your institution. Furthermore, making sure it supports multiple platforms makes it easier for students to access and evaluate their results from anywhere across the globe.

Utilizing an on-screen evaluation system enables examiners to easily and accurately assess answer scripts without touching them, thus reducing errors and saving time while at the same time providing fair marking processes that ensure fair evaluations and consistent marking practices.

On-screen evaluation systems offer many advantages over their paper counterparts. They’re secure and compatible with any device, easy to manage and can reduce administration costs considerably – particularly helpful for large exams requiring evaluation of hundreds of questions at once.

The current numerical class-evaluation system at OU has come under criticism for being inaccurate and subject to bias, with Teaching Evaluation Working Group members criticizing its accuracy and bias-prone nature. To address these concerns and increase efficiency, SES was developed. With more targeted questions designed to assess instructor teaching and student learning abilities than its predecessor eValuate survey system, the new SES should reduce concerns while increasing efficiency.

SES will also ask instructors to describe their classroom environment and the impact of instruction on student learning, in order to identify areas for improvement and provide specific feedback. In doing this, SES can become more efficient by cutting down the paperwork associated with class evaluation.

Digital evaluation is a groundbreaking technology that promises greater transparency and integrity for higher education’s assessment process. Institutions historically struggled with distributing and assessing physical exam answers – often misplaced during distribution – requiring labor-intensive sorting processes which led to delays in result publication. By digitizing these processes they are faster, more efficient, and cost less money – thus improving results publication times significantly.

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